Sensorix News

Here you can see the latest news from our company.

sensorix news

Visit Sensorix GmbH at Sensor+Test 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany

Visit Sensorix GmbH at Sensor+Test 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany We are thrilled to announce that[…]

sensorix news

Sensorix OEM Long-Time Sensors With Ionic Liquids

Sensorix Long-Time Sensors With Ionic Liquids Sensorix is pleased to announce that we have extended[…]

sensorix news

Sensorix obtains ISO 9001:2015 certificate for its QMS

Sensorix obtains ISO 9001:2015 certificate for its QMS We are pleased to announce that Sensorix[…]

sensoris satellix hydride sensors with ionic liquids
satellix sensor

Satellix Hydride Long-Time Sensors With Ionic Liquids

Satellix Hydride Long-Time Sensors With Ionic Liquids Sensorix is launching its Long Time (LT) gas[…]

customised sensor

Discover a gas sensor solution designed around your specific needs!

The Sensorix team collaborates with customers who require a special sensor that is not available[…]

customised sensorSiH4

Do you need to detect low concentrations of Silane?

Do you need to detect low concentrations of silane? – The Sensorix SiH4 2 provides[…]